In compliance with the General Data Protect Register (GDPR), this Privacy Policy tells you how we handle any personal information we may collect from you. This may include (a) your name (b) your email address (c) your IP address (d) contact details “Lauren Scott Website” is committed to keeping the personal details of its visitors and customers private and secure. We will not sell or share your personal details with unrelated third parties, partners or affiliates, without explicitly asking for your consent in advance. The type of information we will collect about you includes:
We use the personal information you give us for the following purposes:
“Lauren Scott Website” uses email to communicate. This necessitates the storage and communication of personal email addresses and personal information. We may also share some of your information with our colleagues associated us for the fulfilment of your business with “Lauren Scott Website”. We do not share your name and email address with third parties. Online purchases If you buy through our online shop: 1. We use Weebly as our online store processor. You can read about Weebly's Privacy Policy here. 2. When you order through our online shop, your details are stored online at the Weebly web-shop, and are not transferred to any other online storage. 3. Weebly and ourselves, do not receive any of your credit/debit card details, which are handled by PayPal as our payment processor. You can read about PayPal's Privacy Policy here Website and Cookies When you visit our website: 1. We use Knowledge Computing as our web host. You can read about Knowledge Computing's Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy here. 2. The Web servers at Knowledge Computing will record your IP address, which is used for statistical purposes. Like a car's number plate, an IP address does not easily identify the owner. 3. The Website also uses "Cookies" to anonymously track people throughout the site. Historical records We are obliged by HM Customs and Revenues to keep some information, such as purchases, for at least 6 years, as detailed in their policy document "Keeping records for your Tax Return". These are kept securely at our head office and destroyed after 6 years. The General Data Protect Register (GDPR) Compliance “Lauren Scott Website” believes it is compliant with the GDPR, which requires organisations to have lawful bases for using personal data (details here), that includes: (1) Consent (2) Contract (3) Legal obligation (4) Vital interests (5) Public task (6) Legitimate interests. “Lauren Scott Website” is compliant with the following rights for individuals (details here): 1. The right to be informed 2. The right of access 3. The right to rectification 4. The right to erasure 5. The right to restrict processing 6. The right to data portability 7. The right to object 8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling. “Lauren Scott Website” will review the GDPR Privacy Policy annually. This policy reviewed on 24th May 2022 |